
A collage of screenshots from the Contractuali web app.
Above A collage of screenshots from the Contractuali web app.

Taking an innovative new idea from zero to MVP

Contractuali is a contract management platform that aims to not only make drafting, reviewing, storing and signing contracts easier, but also make the data within contracts accessible and queryable.

Imagine you're running a property business that deals with a lot of contracts, if you wanted to track the renewal date of each of those contracts, you would need to trawl through every single document and extract the renewal date, and then manually enter the data into a separate database, only then can you track those dates. Contractuali aims to automate that process by allowing you to upload all of your documents and then auto-populate and store the data. This means that finding those dates is now a matter of simply searching for them. Additionally any new contracts created within the system will automatically be added to the database with no additional steps.

We were approached to turn the founders vision into a reality. Before working with us they had been researching the market fit, finding funding, and attracting potential customers, but they had yet to actually build something people would use. Over the next few weeks we took the business from idea to a fully functioning product.

Design Sprint

We decided to kickoff with a Product Design Sprint (PDS), we chose to do this because it meant that we could take steps to understand the problem, generate ideas and build a prototype to test very quickly. The founder was keen to validate the idea with their potential customers early.


On our first day we worked on understanding the problem, setting goals, and creating a very early user flow that we could use later.

Our first exercises involved talking to the founder about the future and the biggest issues we could be facing. During these exercises I like to offer prompt questions to get the conversation started, some of my favourites are:

This seems a little negative at first but it's a good thing to think about potential failures and avoid it happening from the beginning. I prefer to then turn the answers of these questions into questions themselves, this helps to avoid jumping to solutions too early. Our conversations uncovered these questions that we then used to guide us later on:

We then moved on to interviewing other stakeholders and experts in this problem. We chose to mostly interview people that are potential customers, and end users so that we could understand the problems and expectations that they have. Over the course of the day we extracted these insights, then sorted, grouped and voted on the insights that we felt were the most important or impactful. We chose to express our insights as questions once again, using the ‘how might we’ (HMW) method to help us phrase our insights as questions, these are some examples of the most impactful insights:

A grid of 'how might we' notes that were created during the design sprint.
A grid of 'how might we' notes that were created during the design sprint.

Next we focused on creating an early and basic user flow to help us to choose which areas to focus on most. When creating these in a group I like to ask people to create a list of users on the starting side, then ask them to define the final steps on the other, I find this makes it easier to the fill in the middle rather than getting stuck at the beginning.

A screenshot of the early user flow that the group made during the design sprint.
A screenshot of the early user flow that the group made during the design sprint.

Once we had the map we grabbed our HMWs and applied them to the steps that we think would have the most impact on answering them. For example we felt that the “Search/filter documents” step was the most likely to help answer the question “HMW allow users to find documents easily?”. Taking a step back we could then see the areas of the flow that are most likely to have the highest impact on our questions, meaning we could prioritise ideating on those first as the represent the most risk.

The areas we voted as most important to focus on where the contract creation flow, and the search and data mapping flows:

At the end of this part of the sprint we now had a good understanding of the problem, a list of questions to answer in the rest of the sprint, and a simple map of the experience.


The next stage of the design sprint gave us a chance to generate ideas on how to solve these problems. Starting off with a session to share interesting features or entire apps that we think might act as inspiration for our sketches later on. I refer to this exercise as ‘lightning demos’

With our focus on search, contract creation, search and data mapping flows we shared apps like Google Docs: for it’s version control and collaborative suggestion features, Slack and Contentful: for their powerful search functionalities, Obsidian: for it’s innovative graph view to represent document connections.

We made sure to attach images and note down the interesting features to refer back to later.

The rest of this phase focused on the group creating mini-storyboards using a guided ideas generation and sketching technique. Our goal was to explore as many possibilities as we could, regardless of how realistic, feasible or viable they may or may not be. We would then assemble a more detailed storyboard during the next phase. The technique has four steps:

  1. Choose an area of the map that we created in the previous phase to sketch ideas on.
  2. Take time to look back on all the resources we have created so far. I like to suggest creating a mind map during this time.
  3. Spend a short amount of time roughly sketching ideas that immediately come to you.
  4. Spend 8 minutes creating 1 sketch every minute. It sounds bizarre but the pressure can generate ideas you would never think of otherwise.
  5. Spend time to create a detailed 3-step sketched storyboard of your idea for the user journey. With plenty of notes if you’re worried about your sketching skills.

We repeated this technique several times until everyone had created a mini-storyboard for all the most important areas of our map. We then assembled this on our digital whiteboard for the next phase.


After generating ideas in the second phase our next task was to review the ideas, then use them to plan out a prototype.

An example of a sketch that had been produced, being reviewed by the team.
An example of a sketch that had been produced, being reviewed by the team.

Reviewing the ideas could have been a long exercise but I prefer a more efficient approach: All the ideas are assembled together in a gallery. Each person silently reviews all of the ideas, putting dots on things that they think are good or important. When I explain the exercise I give the advice that the participants can place as many dots as they like, I personally use three dots for something excellent, 2 for something great, and 1 for something good. At the end the sketches will have a ‘heat map’ of dots on the ideas that we have decided are the best or most important. At this point people can then ask questions. We follow up with a ‘super vote' that gives a bit more weight to the ideas.

To finish up this phase we then assemble a storyboard to turn into a prototype. We use all the resources we have created so far, especially the highest voted storyboard elements from the previous exercise. When we have conflicts we vote on whether to choose one idea over another or to merge them together somehow. By the end of the session we should have a storyboard that is enough of a starting point for a more detailed prototype.

A screenshot of the rough storyboard that was created during the design sprint.
A screenshot of the rough storyboard that was created during the design sprint.


We decided to build a prototype using Figma, using medium fidelity, above wireframe level. We also focused on desktop/laptop optimised flows for this first testing round.

A screenshot of the prototype being assembled in Figma.
A screenshot of the prototype being assembled in Figma.
A screenshot of the prototype being reviewed and used in Figma.
A screenshot of the prototype being reviewed and used in Figma.


We tested our prototype with 5 people initially, their jobs and industries varied, but all of them had high-competency with technology.

We had the users interact directly with our prototype so that we could understand parts of the app that they found confusing or difficult to use.

A screenshot of a user testing session in which we met 1 on 1 with testers to gain insights.
A screenshot of a user testing session in which we met 1 on 1 with testers to gain insights.


We analysed all of the sessions by making notes and then met to perform affinity mapping exercises to help summarise the issues. In short the first prototype did a good job, but needed some improvements:

We then recommended some ideas for next steps under the broader goals of defining an MVP through further research and prototype iteration:

Planning & Wireframing

Critical Path

To help us fill out the gaps in the old prototype we took time to work together and define a detailed critical path and user flow.

We wanted to avoid solutions too early so our approach was to create a path that was a cross between a user flow and jobs to be done. This means that each step is also accompanied by what the user can see, and what their next steps can be.

This method was useful for fleshing out our feature set for the first version while also giving the design team the freedom to explore different UX/UI approaches.

A screenshot of the expansive critical path in Figma.
A screenshot of the expansive critical path in Figma.
A more detailed look at the critical path displaying the 'what they see' and 'what they do' methods of user flow creation.
A more detailed look at the critical path displaying the 'what they see' and 'what they do' methods of user flow creation.


Based on the critical path we were then able to start wireframing something more complete than the prototype.

These wireframes represent our second prototype and a scaffold like frame for us to iteratively build up into high fidelity mockups later.

Once we were happy with the first version of the wireframes the development team were able to start working on proof-of-concept style features, while the design team began converting the wireframes into higher fidelity mockups.

Designing and building in a system


When it can to colours we had a bit of a challenge, there was some early branding for us to work with but this only included a logo and single colour, this wasn't going to be good enough for a web application. So our first task to expand this limited palette into something more comprehensive and flexible.

We went back to basics and used colour theory to expand the palette using a number of techniques.

Some of the colour palette discovery work. Including colour theory and saturation.
Some of the colour palette discovery work. Including colour theory and saturation.

Once we were happy with the base colours we then expanded further by creating variations using the HSL (hue, saturation, lightness), we were able to simply adjust saturation and lightness along a curve to create a further five colours per base colour.

We were now in a good place with a significantly expanded system, our next task was to set some guidelines regarding how to use this system, with a particular focus on accessibility and contrast.

We methodically tested all the possible colour combinations and documented combinations to avoid and combinations to never use. This includes:

A screenshot of the new colour system inside Figma, complete with advisory tags.
A screenshot of the new colour system inside Figma, complete with advisory tags.


We also had to start from scratch with typography too, the only starting point we had was the type in the logo, and again this wasn't going to be enough to support a growing app.

To get some first insights into which direction to take with typography I utilised some simple exercises from brand sprints.

We worked together to fill out personality sliders for the Contractuali, this was an aspirational exercise as well as thinking about our current positioning. This was useful because we had a quick reference for whittling down the thousands of typefaces out there in a selection of around 5 candidates.

The results of the personality slider typography exercise.
The results of the personality slider typography exercise.

We then mapped those typefaces on the personality sliders also, we then analysed which of the candidates closely matched the aspirations for the Contractuali brand. The ‘winning’ typeface was Inter, for its mature, and conventional design, with a slight warmth and modernity, it will also work well as part of a functional interface.

Once we had a baseline typeface we then expanded the system to include Roboto Mono, and created an early, and very simple typography system with the various weights, sizes and hierarchy that we needed for the MVP.

A example of the typography guidlines within the design system.
A example of the typography guidelines within the design system.


With the basics of a colour and typography system in place we then setup a simple GitHub repo containing a JSON file of our tokens, we then used a Figma plugin to automatically push updates to the repo, meaning that the design team had control of the tokens from a development perspective.

An example of the design tokens being exported out of Figma into a git repository.
An example of the design tokens being exported out of Figma into a git repository.

Components & build

Now that our tokens were in a good place we moved on to fleshing out our bones, the early prototype. We began by planning out the next few sprints as thin slices of complete, useful software. When you want to build a vehicle you shouldn’t start by spending a long time making an excellent wheel for a car, when you could use that same time to build a skateboard, you can’t use a single wheel as transport but a skateboard (while limited) is genuinely useful.

Once we had our sprints organised we then spent those sprints designing, documenting and building components as we needed them. As we moved forwards our early prototypes got increasingly higher fidelity until after a few sprints the entire prototype had been iterated over. The nice part about this approach is that:

The process and outputs of converting a sign in flow from wireframes, to components, to mockup.
The process and outputs of converting a sign in flow from wireframes, to components, to mockup.

My role during this period was to:

Learnings & Next Steps

After a busy few weeks, we had left Contractuali in a solid state, ready to launch and use with real customers, but also useful as a strong demonstration for potential investors. We learned a few things along the way too:

Iterative Prototyping

By starting with a low-fidelity prototype and gradually increasing fidelity based on feedback, we were able to fine-tune and de-risk key features such as search, data mapping, and contract creation flows before committing to full development.

Starting the Design System Early

Starting a design system, especially the tokens, helped us collaborate better, reduced inconsistencies, and allowed us to move faster after the initial time investment.

Crafting the MVP

Prioritizing features for the first launch was always a challenge. The “thin slice" approach (building a skateboard before a car) ensured that we shipped something usable early, rather than delaying launches for perfection.